The new Independent website will start it's life with an editorial staff of around 75.
An estimated total of 25 journalists will be transferred from the print edition of the newspaper, to work on the website.
50 journalists that already work on the website will remain.
Christian Broughton, current Digital Editor for The Independent, will continue in his role.
Amol Rajan will become editor at large.
Rajan was formerly editor of the Independent newspaper.
Journalists being carried over from the printed Independent include Patrick Cockburn and Robert Fisk (foreign correspondents), Simon Calder (travel editor), Ollie Wright, (political editor), Grace Dent, and Rupert Cornwall.
The new Independent website will also be appointing correspondents in Hong Kong, Paris, and Beirut.
The current New York office is set to double in size from the current seven staff members.
The website i100 will be re-branded as
The Independent's website attracted 2.8M unique browsers per day in December 2015, and 59M over the course of the month.
21.4M of those users come from the UK, while the rest come from around the world.
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