In 2011 Monocle magazine launched its own 24 digital radio station.
Monocle's radio station boasts 1 million monthly listeners in 2016.
According to internal figures, this is double the amount of listeners it had in 2015.
The radio station, Monacle 24, runs four daily live shows and 40 individual weekly programs on different topics.
Topics explored by the station include food, travel, foreign affairs, and design.
Listeners can find the programs as podcasts via iTunes and Soundcloud, or can stream them live from the Monocle radio app.
80% of listeners choose to download after live-broadcasts, while 20% listen live (according to internal figures).
Executive editor of the title, Steve Bloomfield, said: We assumed that people would listen to the radio station who already knew the magazine, but we found a whole new audience for our magazine through the radio program. We thought there was space for a smart, international radio station that was informed but not as dull as what was currently on offer.
The radio station is funded by advertisements, and is financially viable. UBS, Turkish Airlines, Air Canada, and Allianz are some of the sponsors of Monocle 24 radio programs.
The print version of Monocle launched in 2007 as a culture and current affairs magazine.
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