The redesigns have cut the load time of Trinity Mirror websites in half.
Sites including that of the national tabloid The Mirror have had their load time halved to just two seconds.
The Wharf and Get Reading are regional websites already running on the new design.
The design changes have been led by a third of Trinity Mirror's 100 person product team.
New features include homepages where much of the text has been replaced by image content.
The former 'live-blogging' column has also been replaced with a 'recent stories' column on the Get Reading website.
The Mirror boasts 21.2M monthly unique users, according to ComScore, while Trinity Mirror has 27.7M unique monthly users overall.
Mary Lojkine, head of product at Trinity Mirror, said: The early indications are that when the overall site has changed the engagement, the amount of content consumed each visit and frequency over the month, does improve."
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